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5 products

Gift Certificate

1 product

The perfect gift to make that brewer very “hoppy.” Gift Certificates must be ordered by phone,...

Hop Extract

7 products

CO2 Hop Extract CO2 Hop Extract is a product developed from the extraction of the hop...

Hop Leaf

27 products

Domestic and Imported Hop Leaf U.S. grown leaf hops are kiln dried and compressed hop cones...

Hop Pellets

109 products

Domestic and Imported Hops We do all of our own Domestic and most Import hop pelleting...

Hop Sale

60 products

Buy Hops Cheap Looking to find some hops on sale or for a great deal? Check...


0 products

2024 Rhizomes Unavailable We apologize for any inconvenience, but proudly recommend Crosby Hop Farm / The...